If procrastination were a
disease I would ask all of you to ‘rush me to the hospital, ’ but it’s not.
LUCKY ME. It may be negatively associated with some mental disorders like
depression and ADHD but in its self, its not a psychological disorder (or a disease)
for that matter, in fact, the human race has procrastinated since the dawn of
history-putting things off is in our DNA; SO NORMAL!
For the longest time I
thought I was just a lazy person who enjoys the state of doing nothing but
Naah, it turned out that I am an avid procrastinator. Procrastination should be
my middle name. I think I should be called Asia the Procastinator..sounds cool
Laziness is inactivity and
unwillingness to act; an apathy state, while procrastination is an active
process-you choose to do something else instead of the task you know, you
should be doing. (For example, me writing this article instead of preparing my
midterm exam on Wednesday ‘which is obviously a high-priority task instead I
opt to write this piece, funny right?’
Which one are you? A lazy
person or a procrastinator?
But how do we beat
procrastination? (this is me thinking out loud and sharing the process with
yall), How do we overcome this state of dilly-dallying? If we want to get
things done or reach our future goals, then this is a massive obstacle, right?
By giving in to this impulse,
we face serious consequences like feeling guilty or ashamed or being
unproductive and missing out on achieving our goals.
I liken this situation to the
person who thinks they’re walking (or running for that matter) but remains in
the same spot expecting results.
How can we expect results if
we don’t really put in any real efforts..?
If we want to change that
behavior then there are several things we should do:
First: Recognize that you’re
If you don’t acknowledge the
act, then we cant change it. You might be putting off a task because you
genuinely had to re-prioritize and adjust your schedule, that’s not
procrastination. But if you start to put things off indefinitely, or begin with
the low-priority tasks when you know there’s something more important you
should be doing then that’s procrastination. (I admit I am procrastinating
right now while writing this piece lol)
Second: Work out the why.Why
are you delaying?
Boring task? If so try to get
it out of the way so you can enjoy the other parts of your day.
Unorganized? I have been told
that organized people successfully overcome procrastination because of their
prioritized to-do-lists and fancy efficient schedules. These tools help you to
deal with procrastination; chunking tasks up make them look more manageable,
less overwhelming and more doable instead of worrying about the full project it
may help if you create an outline or a plan for attack and scheduling each part
(not literary attacking of course)
Perfectionist ?
Perfectionists usually have a mentality of ‘all or none.' They usually prefer
‘avoiding’ a task if they feel like they don’t have the skills to do it. Don’t
do that. It’s better to do a fairly-good-job then not do the task at all.
Honestly, the reason I
procrastinated this long weekend (we had three-days long weekend) and didn’t
get any non-leisure activities done, is because I set too many goals and have
so many expectations from myself. (Maybe I should include that in the previous
list ‘expecting too much from yourself when I have an honest conversation with
myself and try to write down my to-do-list. It turns out to be whole-book of a
to-do-list. (Seriously, they do)
Things that need to be done
at home.
Things that need to be done
at work.
Things that need to be done
to establish my own business
Things that I need to do for
self-care purposes.
Things I have to read
The list goes on..And on.
Till I am overwhelmed.
Till I am bored from my own
lists and they give me a headache.
Till I decide to quit the
whole process and decide to go back to my binge-watching (Hello procrastination!!)
I guess I need to go easy on
myself, make a grand plan (I am so good at making plans it's not even funny,
maybe I should be a professional plan maker or something) Anyway, chunk things
So how do I chunk things up?
By deciding on the most
significant task of all.
Apparently, at work, you
should have a prioritized to-do-list that you follow, learn how to do things as
they come up instead of letting them pile up.
But my struggle isn't even
My procrastination magnifies
when it comes to studying, learning my Deen, working on my self-development,
pursuing my dreams.
We all have the same amount
of time, yet some people manage to use it more efficiently while the rest of us
procrastinate and sleep. (You included)
So how do we overcome this
nasty habit?
Of course, procastination is
a habit, a deeply ingrained pattern of behavior which you cant break overnight
but can change by being self-aware and working hard on improving it.
Which leads me to my third
Third: Strategies we can
implement to overcome this habit
*Forgive yourself for your
past procrastinations: this will make you feel good and confident about
yourself and reduce the chances of you procrastinating
*Commit to a task when you
chunk up the bigger tasks; focus on doing instead of avoiding.
*Promise yourself a reward:
like being able to check your social media or watch an episode of your favorite
T.V show only when you done with the task your committed to (I used this
strategy last Tuesday when I had to sit on a paper for over 11 hours, I placed
my phone downstairs and promised myself to check it only when I am done with a
certain number of pages)
*Ask someone to check on you:
the pressure of answering to someone (aside from yourself) will make you be
more accountable and help you to self-monitor.
*Use your inner-dialog: use
phrases that encourage you like ‘I can do this’ instead of ‘this task cant be
done’ or ‘it’s impossible.' Use phrases that empower you. It works.
*Minimize distractions: Avoid
checking your phone or emails while doing the delegated task or any random
Google searches.

Here's a nice quote on procrastination
Great post! Its nice to know that procrastinating doesnt mean that there is something wrong with Ones self, that it should till be viewed as a symptom of a mental diaorder. Rather its a very normal Habit we fall into from time to time.for some all the time. Anyway i was relived to Read that it is very human Habit. To procrastinatinate.
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous, exactly!! procrastination is human, totally normal, just a habit that holds you back-at least for me..I feel like I could be way more efficient with my time. Thank you for stopping by, always good to hear from someone else ❤