Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Necklaces are beautiful, a string of amazing rocks or jewels beaded together in a very artistic way...  some necks deem them essential..and for some there just accessories a mere beautification..
For me, my neck feels naked without one..i usually wear a simple necklace..
Love is just like a necklace..some cant live without it,some just brag about it..and for some love is just a luxury..
Love comes in different ways..Love has so many colours and shades, so many sizes and stages, so many plays and many triumphs and scars, so many smiles and many hugs and goodbyes, so many promises and lies, so many responsibilities and failures...just so many that world literature cant contain is complicated, overrated and sometimes delusional..
What really disturbs the tranquillity of love? What makes the necklace break? And turns it into ashes of feelings that are no longer relevant...a memory of a heartbreak that we laugh at ? a last name we cant even recall...
What if, what we thought of as love was just a conveniency? Just being at that right place the right time?..what if, it was just the smile we needed back then and no longer make us happy now..why do we take it so personal..and overrate it beyond it’s weight , beyond it’s stretch ...why do we ruin our beautiful momentum with mysterious eternality? has so many colours and grows with us and at some point it’s no longer fun or convenient, it becomes a responsibility ..Only a commitment.. A word..A dying word..An old precious necklace..and a choice..Should you keep that old necklace? Or replace it with a fresh new one?..
What they never tell you in Romcom movies or novels is that love grows , that love ages..and become boring just like loses it grows wrinkles and no matter how much you deny cant change the fact..that its no longer as beautiful as when you first met it..Very joyous, very entertaining..It no longer tingles butterflies in your stomach ...or sensation in your body..that’s when love becomes stagnant..

So for me love is my necklace..i know when to keep it, and i know when to lose it..yes i love it..but if my neck grew allergic to it, i am certainly losing it..for a new necklace..
Asoya ..

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