Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Last night I was with a habryar, a wise habryar, full of wisdom they called her af janoo 
She seemed sad and distressed of what came off to Somali homes like a curse
She said:  
Why do I see Somali women kicking off proudly their men?
Why do I hear them cursing when he breaks his curfew of ten?
Why do they throw him out in snow trenches like a broody hen?
Where is our exalted fortitude as Somali wo-men
Where is our patience, our cool, our capacity to trust them?
Why are xalimoos bringing shame to us, just to claim the game of guts?  Once that little paper is signed off?
Why did we come out here, in the snow, from our land?  
To wrangle and strangle?  Or to raise and rise?
To fix the mess, to jam the hole or to mix papers and wham wham act like nuts?
When did we lose direction? When did we lose our compass our faith?
Why are we causing this huge rumpus, when we allowed them to act like that?
You can’t teach an old dog a new trick, or maybe you can??!!
Flick the dust and BOOM a NEW farax comes out of the un-named can!
It all started from home, it’s how a mother raised him to be a man
When a disturbed idle father was all he saw in his life span
Like a father like a son, unless hoyoo burns that to the ground  
When we lose our temper, our fortitude, we lose our mental strength
We pant, we crumble, we cry…we lose sight of whats matters the most, our kids!
We forget that our children are the collateral damage of all this mess
we wrangle and strangle, and forget to rise and raise 
we drown in the mud of our own mess, we wham wham like a brick on a shelf
then we crumble, we pant, we cry ..and our kids rot in jails 
So maybe, it’s  high time for us to pick our battles right..

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